GEORAM 512 RAM Expansion Unit by Berkeley Softworks for Commodore 64 & 128
GEORAM from Berkeley Softworks is a memory expansion peripheral for use with GEOS 64 and 128, unlike the Commodore 1764 & 1750 REU it does not require a heavy duty power supply. GEORAM simply plugs into the cartridge port and adds 512k RAM, this RAM can be used by GEOS and other packages (but is not compatible with 1764/1750 applications). The GEORAM has been redesigned to fit inside a standard Commodore Cartridge Case.
For everyone who's ever waited a tad too long for a GEOS screen to redraw itself or an application to load, congratulations. The wait is over. Your chips have come in. The GEORAM expansion board for both 64's and 128's - is here! More memory, Less waiting. Developed exclusively for GEOS-equipped Commodores, these babies pack an unbelievable 512k of extra memory, which propels GEOS into light speed productivity. Accessories pop-up in an instant. Screen redraw in a wink. And applications scream out in a frenzy as you whip them along with your mouse or joystick. Hard to believe? Believe it. GEORAM's disk transfer rate is literally 35 times faster than the 1541, 1571 or 1581 disk drive. Which has the industry chattering almost as much as when GEOS first arrived on the scene.
White cartridge case, requires GEOS 2.0r (not included). If you have any questions just ask.