?Cassette is an audio player interface for Commodore 64/128 & VIC 20 computers
This brand new device emulates the original Commodore datassette loader
- This emulator displays the mythical "Press play on tape" and loads all programs
Simply copy across any of the 500 games to your favourite MP3 Player, CD Player, Mobile Phone or Tablet, insert the ?Cassette into you Commodore 64 or 128's Cassette Port, connect the cable provided, queue up the desired games file, make sure your volume is set to max and press the Commodore's Shift & Run/Stop keys, when the "PRESS PLAY ON TAPE" message appears press play on your MP3 Player, the game will load and run!
The New Retail Pack Includes -
- All new ?Cassette interface
- Comprehensive full colour printed manual
- Mastered DVD with +500 mp3 games, software and user?s guide
- ?Cassette MP3 Cable (3.5mm Stereo Cable)
Free Powerful Utility Software -
- AUDIOTAP - Use this program to convert .TAP files to .WAV
- WAV-PRG - Convert .T64 file or .PRG to .WAV
- CONVERTER - Easily convert .WAV files to .TAP
The comprehensive full colour printed manual clearly explains how to use these programs, with the aid of both step-by-step screen shots and simple examples you will be able to quickly master these powerful utilities.
To use a mobile phone or tablet as your MP3 Player you will need to download and use the Tapdance App.http://sharewareplus.blogspot.co.uk/ The uCassette works on the VIC 20 with Tapdancer and .TAP files, the DVD supplied does not contain any VIC 20 games.